Avi-culture for a sustainable conservation of exotic birds
About 12.000 tourist  and visitors visit the center each year. We are open to receiving tourist and other avi-culturist ,experts who visit the center to observe and learn techniques on avi-culture.
About 12.000 tourist  and visitors visit the center each year. We are open to receiving tourist and other avi-culturist ,experts who visit the center to observe and learn techniques on avi-culture.
We have special methods of mingling the parrots we breed back at the center in their repective sub out door aviaries pending their species
New Bigger Out door aviaries contruction by foriegn avi-culturist and conservation partners.
New Bigger Out door aviaries contruction by foriegn avi-culturist and conservation partners.
The bontanical Parrot Gardan Aviary Nursey with newly hatched parrot chick species. We hatch over 30species of chicks every 6months.
About 12.000 tourist and visitors visit the center each year. We are open to receiving tourist and other avi-culturist ,experts who visit the center to observe and learn techniques on avi-culture.
The bontanical Parrot Gardan Aviary Nursey with newly hatched parrot chick species. We hatch over 30species of chicks every 6months.